Nidaamka kor u qaadida saqafka
Trapezoidal xaashida saqafka sare
L-cagood waxaa lagu dhejin karaa saqafyada saqafka ah ama saqafka kale ee danta ah. Waxaa loo isticmaali karaa xirmooyinka M10x200 ee loogu talagalay meel ku filan oo saqafka ah. Suuqa caagga ah ee suufka ah ayaa si gaar ah loogu talagalay saqafka dushiisa.
Asphalt Shingle Mountle
Nidaamka kor u qaadida saqafka ee Shingle Waxay muujineysaa qeybta ka mid ah saqafka sare ee PV-ga ee PV-ga oo biyuhu ka-hortaga ah, waara oo la jaan qaadaya inta badan saqafka saqafka badan. Using our innovative rail and pre-assembled components such as tilt-in-T module, clamp kit and PV mountingflashing, our shingle roof mounting not only makes the module installation easy and saves time but also minimises damage to the roof.
Buurta gaaban / tareenka
Naqshadeynta Raiilless ma keydinayso kaliya wax, laakiin sidoo kale waa mid aad u fudud in la rakibo. Waxay u baahan tahay oo keliya afar qaybood oo keliya si loo dhammaystiro rakibaadda. Deganaanshadeeda waxaa lagu tijaabiyaa shirkad sharciyeysan si ay u hubiso inay nabdoon tahay. At the same time, it is also convenient to earthing.Through the connection of VG Solar-VG TS02, not only the solar panel can be more stable, but also the oxide film on the frame surface of the solar panel can be pierced to achieve Ujeedada dhulka, iyo saameynta laba-af-le'eg ayaa lagu gaari karaa.
Saqafka saqafka trat-tr01
Nidaamka kor u qaadida VG Solar (Hook) wuxuu ku habboon yahay in suufka saqafka saqafka leh, magnetic taayirrada saqafka, saqafka saqafka saqafka leh, saqafka saqafka saqafka saqafka iyo saqafka saqafka leh. It can be fixed to the roof beam or iron sheet, select the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, and offer great flexibility. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
Saqaf saqafka ah ee saqafka ah vg-tr02
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, oo uu leeyahay dabacsanaan weyn. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system
Saqaf saqafka ah ee korantada vg-tr03
VG Solar roof mounting system (hook) is suitable for color steel tile roof, magnetic tile roof, asphalt tile roof and so on.It can be fixed with the roof beam or iron sheet, choose the appropriate span to resist the corresponding load conditions, oo uu leeyahay dabacsanaan weyn. It is applied to the common framed solar panels or frameless solar panels parallel installed on the inclined roof, and is suitable for the design and planning of commercial or civil roof solar system